Saturday, 7 February 2009

Sein und Werden – Philias and Fetishes – reviewed by Grace Andreacchi

Very, very excited by the excellent review of the print edition of Philias and Fetishes by Grace Andreacchi.

The review is a wonderful piece of writing in itself. Sein und Werden has always been a fantastically respected journal, and – as Grace so rightly says – Sein und Werden is going from strength to strength. I’ve said below that this is the absolute highlight of all the things I have been involved in – and this pleasure is not really to do with my own contribution.

There is a story of Jimi Hendrix getting on stage with Cream back in 1966. Jimi had only been in England for a week. Eric Clapton simply walked off the stage in shock to gaze in absolute awe at Hendrix, and said to Chas Chandler afterwards, “Is he always that fucking good?” I’m certainly no Eric Clapton – but I so know how he must have felt!!!

I truly believe that this issue will become highly collectable – and purely because of the content. I will be writing more about this when I catch up with things.

Read Grace’s review here

Grace’s rather impressive Wikipedia entry is here and her website is here

Buy Philias and Fetishes here

Don’t read the review, and don’t buy the journal here – and make the conscious decision to make your life blander than it need be.

Even the most devout of believers, when saying ‘Grace’ before a meal, ought to recite Grace’s review in full – because even God would find it impossible to not ‘do an Eric Clapton’ in this instance.