Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Side of Grits (Rural Messengers Press)

Extremely excited that my piece – she came too early, and left us in the morning – is now up at Side of Grits. There is an awesome collection of writers in this first issue – and some very, very tasty work. There is a link on the right, but my story is here, and some very revealing information about me is here, and the main menu is here.

I really do recommend checking out the menu – plenty of reasons for lit gastronomes to keep coming back for more.


Bradley Mason Hamlin
Justin Hyde
Karl Koweski
Richard Wink
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal
Puma Perl
Chris Stanifer
pablo vision
William Taylor Jr

Southern Fried

Julie Buffaloe-Yoder
Shaindel Beers
Moe Seager
Mary Ann Loesch
Judy Brekke
Scot Young
Mathias Nelson
Jim Fuess

Lunch Special

Luis Rivas
Joseph Ridgwell

Hot Plates

Cecelia Chapman
Paul Corman-Roberts
Mathias Nelson
Misti Rainwater-Lites
Christopher Robin
nth Position
Joseph Reich
Michael Grover

Late Nite

Joseph Goosey
Ross Vassilev
Cecelia Chapman
Misha Firer
Kenneth Pobo
Peycho Kanev
Joseph Veronneau
Simon Friel

Beverages & Dessert

James Babbs
Miles J Bell
Brad D. Green
Kill Poet
Joel Sweeney
Dan Provost
Chris Deal
Tim Murray
Aleathia Drehmer